Some new artwork




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I just put up some new artwork (for more paintings, see my Website) that I have been doing since I’ve come to New Zealand. The style is different, partly due to have a different physical set up (and having to control the amount of paint splatter) and also these paintings seem to have picked up some of the aesthetic of New Zealand. The “abstract landscapes” are made by brushing in colours into the canvas and then turning the canvas on its side and using different intensities of water from a spray bottle to wash away the thickness of the paint. When the canvas is rotated back 90 degrees, they resemble landscapes. I do try to choose the colours to reflect Earth, Sea, and Sky, but the random element is how they combine as I spray the water on them.

The long, purple painting reminds me of some of the Maori “totem pole” sculptures. I am not sure what they are called, but they remind me of Native American totem poles, in that they have various figures and faces on them. It was made with a similar technique, but not as covered with paint and with less water sprayed on to maintain some of the original paint pattern.

Photograph of sunrise with moon, you can see how this landscape inspires the paintings.

Photograph of sunrise with moon, you can see how this landscape inspires the paintings.

Overall I have been happy with my painting in New Zealand and it is always fun to watch as patterns and techniques evolve!

Some artwork from the first 5 months in New Zealand

Some artwork from the first 5 months in New Zealand
