The end is near (and so is the new beginning)

Well, it has been a very busy few weeks. The moving company packed up all of our belongings and today is our house closing. We are living in an extended stay hotel and then we will be wanderers for awhile.

There has still been a lot of work trying to do last minute sorting out of paperwork with the Medical Council of New Zealand, which our immigration visa is dependent upon, and which being able to ship our belongings depends upon. So we are in a bit of a high stress limbo at the moment, but it feels like things are just about sorted out now and hopefully everything will fall into place in time for our departure date for New Zealand!

I have been thinking about adding another section tab on the blog called Being Fully Human. This will be further reflections on topics from the class of this last semester. I do hope to be able to work the text and these reflections into a book at some point.

Aside from stressing about immigration issues, I have also started to have a little bit of space to start contemplating what it will be like living and working in New Zealand. There is not a lot I can actively do on that until we arrive there, but I can feel that work starting to gear up. Aside from learning a new health care delivery system, having fun, and exploring a new country, I am hoping to channel some of the energy that went into the daily running of my private practice into writing. I have been working on the draft for the Creating A Holistic Medical Practice book, whenever I get a chance. I feel like I have some new insight and clarity on the structure of the text and what I have written with the closing of my private practice and with the process of leaving the US.

Time to get going on a few things!
